Apple Vision Pro teardown: 50 Vision Pro pixels fit into a single iPhone 15 Pro pixel, the display is not technically 4K, has a ~100° field of view, and more 手機收購

2 月 17, 2024 #手機收購

sports venue doesn’t look pixelated when you’re sitting across the stadium.
Because of this, VR engineers like to use a slightly fancier metric to measure display “goodness”: angular resolution, measured in pixels per degree, or PPD. This is the number of horizontal pixels per degree of viewing angle, and it lets us compare between displays with different resolutions, designed to be viewed at different distances.
But even that isn’t the whole story, for a variety of reasons:

The PPD changes from the edge of the screen vs. the center.
Lenses intentionally distort and tweak the PPDs in wonky ways.
Stereoscopic views affect how many “pixels” are seen, muddying calculations.

The Vision Pro’s pancake lens distorts the display, complicating PPD calculations.
With a rough measurement of 100° FOV (Field of View), we estimate the Vision Pro to have an average of 34 PPD. In comparison, a 65″ 4K TV viewed 6.5 feet away is 95 average PPD, and the 手機收購iphone 15 Pro Max held 1 foot away is 94 average PPD. Even though the pixel density and physical dimensions are drastically different between the 手機收購iphone and the 65” TV, they end up having similar PPD simply because of how they’re viewed. 

Tl;dr: The Vision Pro may have an ultra-high resolution (PPI) display, but because it’s so close to the eye, it has low angular resolution. 
As a final example, friend of iFixit Karl Guttag has a blog post explaining why using the Vision Pro as a replacement for a good monitor is “ridiculous.” The gist is that when you beam the Mac’s output into the Vision Pro, and suspend it in the air in front of you, you’re only using a small portion of the available pixels. Even if the Vision Pro’s displays were really 4K, you’d only be using a small central section, with the rest of the pixels used to show the surrounding room.
This, says Karl, makes for a virtual Mac display with low enough PPD to see individual pixels—not quite the standard desktop display experience. So while you will totally be able to use your Mac in your virtual world, you will prefer an actual 4K or 5K monitor for fine work.
Then again, even if you shell out 200 bucks for the huge carrying case, the Vision Pro is way more portable than an Apple Studio Display.
Wearing glasses under your VR headset is less than ideal—Apple’s answer is to add accessory lenses inside, for the Vision Pro, those lenses are made by noted German optics specialist ZEISS and snap into place magnetically.

Each lens comes with a pairing code, although this isn’t quite the same kind of parts pairing we usually deal with. These codes don’t lock a component to a single device. If you want to remove your prescription lens inserts from your own Vision Pro and drop them into a friend’s unit, you can. You’ll just have to pair them with the new headset by inputting the same code. The Vision Pro they’re being swapped into has to know the prescription of those lenses and calibrate accordingly, hence the little QR-type code you scan by looking at it during the setup process. 
Still, it is parts pairing in that a secret handshake code is required to install lenses—giving ZEISS a solid monopoly, at least for now. It also means that any typos or shipping snafus might render your new lenses useless, at least temporarily.
You’d think that submitting a prescription would be enough to get the Vision Pro calibrated with your lenses—even if Apple is doing some fancy footwork—but without transparency, we can’t be sure.
The Vision Pro has another small problem for spectacles wearers. Contrary to some reports, Apple says that corrective lenses are available for most conditions, including astigmatism (which we weren’t sure about in part one), and they also offer bifocals, and progressives. But if you have a prism value included in your prescription, you’re out of luck. Prism correction is used to correct for diplopia, or double vision. The easiest way to see if your vision prescription is supported is to use ZEISS’s online tool. 
The theme of this device appears to be that well-tailored comfort is fairly simple to achieve, as long as you go through the official channels. 
By Apple logic, a complex device requires an equally complex battery solution. The hefty battery bank—$200 from Apple if you want to buy it separately—is both super simple and hilariously over-engineered.
Looking like a bulked-up first-gen 手機收購iphone, the case is milled out of a single chunk of aluminum, and the lid snaps into place with firm perimeter clips, leaving little to no seam for us to pry at. We needed a hammer and chisel to open it up! Adhesive also lines the lid, just to make sure you get the message: this pack is not designed to be opened.

As for the battery cells themselves, Apple’s using three 手機收購iphone-battery-sized packs stacked atop each other, connected in series. We pulled out an 手機收購iphone 15 Plus battery to compare and found that it’s ever-so-slightly smaller in area while being a tad thicker.
The cells in our Vision Pro pack are listed at 15.36 Wh a piece, suggesting a 46.08 Wh total capability. That doesn’t quite track with the 35.9 Wh rating etched on the pack’s (gorgeous) aluminum enclosure. This, at first glance, looks like Apple’s undershooting the Watt-hour rating by over 20 percent. Apple’s no stranger to battery life debacles, so there’s a chance they’re purposefully undercharging the cells for longevity—the same reason they just released an 80% charging limit on the 手機收購iphone 15 Pro. Or perhaps they’re calculating Wh differently, accounting for thermal losses, or something else.

Left: One of three battery cells with factory 15.36 Wh ratings. Right: Battery pack labeled 35.9 Wh—10 Wh less than expected.
Apple is clearly obsessive over the user experience with this battery, packing in temperature sensors and an accelerometer (so it displays the charge LED when you hold it up, and might even detect when you are wearing the pack). If you’re putting a battery in your pocket for two hours straight, then you really, really don’t want it to get hot.
The pack is also outputting a non-USB-standard 13 volts to keep up with the Vision Pro’s processing demands, which is one explanation for the bespoke “big Lightning” cable—so you don’t accidentally plug other devices in and fry them. It also explains why you can’t just plug it straight into a USB-C battery pack. In fact, the Vision Pro’s battery pack has enough tech to act as an uninterruptible power supply, providing it specific, clean power even when plugged into the wall.
All in all, it seems like Apple is taking the risks of wearing a battery really, really seriously, rather than trying to pack in as much juice as possible. This is also a great illustration of why easily swappable batteries are a good idea—you don’t need to go wild with the Watt-hours if you can just grab a spare, even if it’s a $200 spare.
Chip ID
Apple highlighted the Vision Pro’s M2 chip and the new R1 chip in their announcement. But, what about the rest? And did you hear about the abnormally complex charging board in the battery pack? 
We got you covered! Head over here to check out all the chips in the Vision Pro.

Apple’s biggest advantage over other headset makers comes in the form of sensors, kind of. Yes, anyone can slap a bunch of cameras, a LiDAR scanner, and all that other stuff into a headset, but Apple’s sensors have a secret weapon: years of experience analyzing, interpreting, and fusing complex sensor data and multiple iterations of sensor design.
Remember when Apple added LiDAR to the 手機收購iphone 12 Pro and iPad Pro in 2020? Yes, it makes for better low-light photos, distance measurements, and accessibility features for the visually impaired. But we have a hunch that Apple had another motive: The LiDAR sensor in the iPad Pro let Apple test AR features in a pretty low-stakes environment, putting the hardware into mass production, gaining both valuable expertise and user feedback. 
Thanks to Creative Electron for this awesome CT scan and animation!
The front-facing Face ID TrueDepth camera is another great example of Apple’s sensor tech. The Face ID array has a laser that projects infrared dots onto your face, a flood illuminator that bathes your face in IR, and an IR camera that can see it all. This is processed to create a 3D map of your face. Apple got so good at this that it uses the Face ID array to scan your ears, in order to create a custom 3D model that tailors AirPods’ spatial audio to your ear shape.
The result? Room mapping without the need for guardrails. Face mapping for the (admittedly somewhat creepy) Memoji V2 aka Persona. And no need for handheld controllers.

Another Apple specialty is accelerometers—and the interpretation thereof. You can find them in the 手機收購iphone, in the Apple Watch (where it can detect whether you have fallen and call emergency services), and even in the original HomePod. When it detects that it has been moved, the HomePod re-listens to the room and recalibrates its audio accordingly. The AirPods have accelerometers to detect your tap-commands. All of this requires advanced interpretation of sensor data, which Apple has gotten good at year after year. 
We might be taking a closer look at those sensors, but it’s not the hardware that really matters in this case. It’s the way Apple has honed the production and reliability of these sensors over the years and integrated them with software designed to milk the most from them.
Coming up with a repairability score for the Vision Pro is just as challenging as calculating the subjective resolution of the displays. 
Vision Pros
On the one hand, there’s a lot to like here. The battery is modular, so it’s trivial to swap in a fully charged one, or replace a flagging unit after a year or two of hard use—even if you can’t actually hot-swap the battery without powering down the headset. 
Equally modular are the side straps. Granted, these contain speakers that are virtually impossible to excavate, but the combined assembly is modular and pops off with a SIM-card tool. The power port is integrated into one of the band assemblies, so it’s also semi-modular. We also like the easy-to-fit lens inserts and the magnetically attached light shields.
“The super-modularity—to a level where it’s less of a component and more of a feature, like different bands—makes it so that even Apple has how-to’s on its site,” says iFixit repairability engineer Carsten Frauenheim.
We’re really relieved to see that all of the parts that touch your skin are easily removable, including the light seal and light seal cushion. When we score for repairability, we look for easy access to consumable and easily breakable parts. Notably, the optics, screens, and moving parts for the inter-pupillary distance adjustment are on the eye-side as opposed to behind the fragile front glass. Prying up the fabric layer from its clips to access the adjustment is considerably less risky than trying to remove the expensive 3D glass in one go.

Vision Cons
But on the other hand, getting to the front cameras and sensors—or anything behind the front glass—is a real headache. That glass cover needs a lot of careful finessing with a heat gun and multiple prying tools to remove in one piece. Sure, if you kill the EyeSight while trying to break in, it’s not the end of the world. The real danger is that cracking the glass might render the sensors behind it useless, simply by blocking their view.
Our repair scoring heavily weights parts like the screen and battery that are necessary for the function of the device. It’s hard to argue that the EyeSight display is a critical component. But the external sensors are essential, and if you break the glass and obscure them, then the device will stop functioning correctly.
The Competition
So how does the Apple Vision Pro compare on the repairability scale to head-mounted displays (HMDs) from competitors? Arguably the most important comparison is to Meta’s Quest 2 and Quest 3 headsets, which together dominate the VR and AR (collectively XR) markets with a roughly 70% market share. 
The answer to that question, along with almost anything related to XR hardware, is that it’s complicated. 
Let’s take the Quest 2 and Quest 3 as examples. Both are designed with a front-loaded headset secured by a replaceable harness, much like the Vision Pro. What differentiates Meta’s headsets from most others is that it’s also a standalone device, unlike the Valve Index, HTC Vive, and PS VR2. But that’s where the similarities between the Quest 2 & 3 and the Vision Pro end.
Where the Vision Pro has an external battery pack, both the Quest 2 and Quest 3 have their lithium polymer batteries buried inside the device, to the point that it’s one of the last things you’d remove in a highly complex repair. A battery replacement is the most likely and common repair, and in that category, the Vision Pro is a clear winner. That’s because the Vision Pro’s battery puck, while an integral part of the otherwise unpowered device, is an external component.
Quest 2 Headset Battery Replacement Guide: Step 59 and you still can’t see the battery.
Where the Vision Pro fails is the fragility of the front glass, combined with the complexity of the User Interface (UI). Imagine you trip over the non-MagSafe battery cable and the headset tumbles onto your equally beautiful hardwood floor, shattering the glass EyeSight cover.

Meta Quest Pro and Meta Quest 3 headsets.
Even if every sensor is still functional, they will be blinded. When the external cameras’, LiDAR sensor’s, and IR emitters’ line of sight is interrupted by cracked glass, your hands won’t track correctly. Since there are no controllers (unlike most other HMDs), anyone with a broken front glass will have to lean on accessibility features like voice control.The Quest 2 and Quest 3 fare much better on durability. For one, the exterior shell is made of plastic, which is far less fragile than glass. The cameras are recessed in their own notch on the case, thereby being a completely separate module from the rest of the HMD, allowing for easier repair and replacement. 
Similar to the Vision Pro, the Quest Pro buries its cameras and sensors under the front plastic, but that front plastic is held in place by clips that simply pop off, allowing for easy and cheap repairs.
The Score
When we give a repairability score, we pick which components to evaluate based on what we’re seeing in the rest of the product category. But XR hardware is so bleeding edge that everything from the exterior build to the basic means of navigati

手機收購Google推出Android 15的首個開發者預覽版。(圖/翻攝9to5google)

Google推出了Android 15的首個開發者預覽版,具有Android開發者資格的用戶可搶先體驗最新系統,但僅限Pixel裝置優先升級。

Google公開目前可升級的10款Pixel手機與平板名單,包括Pixel 6、6 Pro、6a、7、7 Pro、7a、8、8 Pro以及Pixel Fold和Pixel Tablet;之後發表的新機勢必也在支援之列。

Google淘汰了Pixel 4a(5G)、5、5a,這些舊機都只擁有3年的Android版本更新,生命週期已終結。另一方面,也等同全面告別高通處理器,因為從Pixel 6系列開始,Google採用和三星合作的Tensor處理器。

另外,Android 15公開測試版預計在4月推出,官方尚未透露正式版的具體時間,去年的Android 14正式版於10月才跟著Pixel 8系列一起登場。原則上,不建議一般用戶安裝Android 15開發者預覽版,因為可能存在一系列Bug,新功能也未完全實裝,App甚至會出現支援性問題,並非適合日常使用的版本。

● Pixel 6、6 Pro、6a

● Pixel 7、7 Pro、7a

● Pixel 8、8 Pro

● Pixel Fold (台灣未販售)

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