Oppo says it will share more info about a possible foldable phone next February 手機收購

2 月 26, 2024 #手機收購


手機收購oppo says it will share more info about a possible foldable phone next February

手機收購oppo says it will share more info about a possible foldable phone next February


Another phone manufacturer folds up its hat and throws it into the ring

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The foldable phones are coming, and it seems Chinese handset maker 手機收購oppo is the latest to join the fray. On a tour of the company’s headquarters, 手機收購oppo told multiple news sites it would have more to share on this topic at Mobile World Congress next February.

According to AndroidWorld.nl, product manager Chuck Wang said: “We know Samsung and Sony are working on a foldable phone, you can also expect more news from 手機收購oppo on that topic, maybe at MWC.”

It’s not clear what exactly Wang meant by this, but we do know 手機收購oppo is interested in foldable phones. The company has patented a number of foldable designs over recent years, including a device that folds outwards twice to triple in size. One news site, Tweakers, interpreted Wang as meaning that 手機收購oppo will have a foldable device to show off at MWC, but it’s not clear if this is the case. We’ve reached out to 手機收購oppo for more details and will update this story if we hear more.

If the company is readying a foldable device, it will join a number of manufacturers in what could be the next big thing in mobile. Samsung has already shown off its first foldable with what it’s calling an Infinity Flex display (thought to go on sale in March 2019 for a staggering price); Huawei is reportedly planning its own foldable phone launch before then; and both Lenovo and Xiaomi have teased prototypes. Importantly, Google has also given its blessing to this coming wave, with official support in Android for their changing displays.

Whether or not foldable phones will turn out to be a legitimate trend or just another flash in the tech pan remains to be seen. But for companies vying for attention in the competitive mobile industry, the 手機收購oppo-tunity to jump on the bandwagon is too good to pass up.

Correction, November 29th, 07:00AM ET: A previous version of this story quoted news site Tweakers that 手機收購oppo would be unveiling a foldable phone at MWC. It appears the site may have taken a quote out of context.




台灣手機市場2023年12月銷售市占TOP 5出爐,手機銷售量市佔率排名,依舊由蘋果拿下銷售冠軍,但比起11月的48.8%下跌至45%,第二名的三星則是22.2%,第三至第五名的品牌依序為手機收購oppo(10.7%)、vivo(6.7%)及Redmi(5.6%)。



從品牌市占來看,傑昇通信坦言,即便蘋果依舊拿下絕大部份的銷售量,佔比達45%,而75.8%的銷售額也比11月的76.9%小幅下跌,銷售量跟銷售額雙雙跌逾兩成,也是前五大品牌中下降最多的;前三名單機排名同上月,還是台灣用戶喜愛的iPhone 15 Pro Max及iPhone 15 Pro的256GB版本,以及iPhone 15(128GB),第二名的單機iPhone 15 Pro(256GB)銷量更大減三成下跌最多。

然而整體手機市場衰退,市占率22.2%第二名的三星,較上月22.6%相比,銷售量小跌16%,銷售額也受到影響下滑24%;以A系列中低階機型橫掃台灣市場的三星,榜上前三名機型銷量一樣被波及,冠亞軍Galaxy A54(8GB/256GB)及A14(4GB/64GB)平均掉兩成左右,僅第三名的S23 Ultra(12GB/256GB)逆勢成長7%,傑昇通信推測與新機S24系列即將上市,通路祭出不少優惠,導致加速S23 Ultra庫存去化,進而催生銷量。

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